This research work investigated the Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation Strategies on Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Four objectives were formulated, these were: to determine theInfluence of appraisal of school systems performance on teaching and learning, to examine the Influence of school record assessment on teaching and learning, find outthe Influence of assessment of lesson plans and notes on teaching and learning, and to ascertain the Influenceof assessment of continuous assessment on teaching and learning in Secondary Schools in FCT Abuja. The objectives were used to formulate four research questions and hypotheses in the study. Related literatures were reviewed. The research was conducted using the descriptive survey research design. The total population of the study was 690 made up of 187 Principals, 315 Quality Assurance Officers, and 188 Department of Policy Implementation Officials. A sample of67 Principals, 113 QAO‟s and 68 DPI officials were selected for the study using simple random sampling technique. Forty item self-structured questionnaire tagged „‟Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation Strategies on Teaching and Learning Questionnaire‟‟ (IMESTLQ) was used as instrument for collection of data using Likert rating scale of Strongly Agreed(SA), Agreed(A), Undecided (U), Disagreed (D), and Strongly Disagreed (SD). The instrument was validated by the supervisors in the Department and the final draft copy was pilot-tested. The result of r=0.84 revealed it was reliable. The mean scores, percentages and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings led to retention of all the hypotheses. The study revealed that monitoring and evaluation strategies by the Principals, QAO‟s and DPI officials have great influence on teaching and learning in Secondary Schools in FCT, Abuj. This is as a result of regular quality assurance exercise. Recommendations made include that, Quality Assurance Officers, Department of Policy Implementation and Principals of Schools should intensify efforts on continuous appraisal of school system.Furthermore, ContinuousAssessment of school records by quality assurance officers, DPI and Principals, would enhance teaching and learning in secondary school. As such these activities should be emphasised in the course of school supervision, inspection and monitoring,Assessment of lesson plans and notes should be prime activities of Quality Assurance Officer, DPI and Principals. It should be featured in their instructional supervision process, and Continuous assessment records should feature prominently in the instructional supervision process of Quality Assurance Officers, DPI and Principals of schools. Suggestions for further studies were made for the actualisation of Nigerian educational system.